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ایلای کتابی را حمل می‌ کند که بشریت را نجات می‌ دهد و به مردم چیزی را برای باور کردن هدیه می دهد. او برای شارژ باتری آیپد خود به شهری می‌ رود و در حالی که در یک بار است به راحتی اما به طرز وحشیانه‌ ای حداقل ۷ نفر را در حالی که منتظر کتاب هستند می‌ کشد. کتاب ایلای اثر گری ویتا نویسنده بریتانیایی می باشد.

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Desolate and barren. The trees are stripped of bark, their pale forms resembling spectral figures. Some have been violently uprooted and lie fallen. Gray sunlight streaks through the forest, blurred by a creeping fog that hides the true hues of everything around. Flakes of light snow drift down. The world seems drained of life, cold and monochromatic. A cat prowls over the lifeless ground, barely resembling its once-domestic self. Its fur is ragged and unkempt, the outline of its ribs visible from hunger, a creature now entirely wild. It moves deliberately, cautiously, sniffing the air and scanning the forest with keen alertness. Trusting nothing in its environment, it treads across a clearing scattered with leaves, stealthily approaching something unseen.
A lifeless body lies sprawled face-down in the dirt, feet exposed to the elements. The face is locked in a grim expression of death, marked by a gaping bullet wound in his head, surrounded by matted hair caked with dried blood. A cat cautiously approaches, drawing nearer.
From a vantage point across the clearing, approximately thirty yards away, someone observes in silence, taking slow, deliberate breaths that resonate through a gas mask respirator.
Focusing on a pair of industrial goggles, their mirrored lenses reveal the forest clearing in their reflection, fixated on the cat. The measured breathing continues with an unbroken rhythm.
The cat slows its pace but keeps moving cautiously toward the corpse. It edges closer, nose twitching as it inspects the body. The observer remains hidden, crouched behind the ragged remnants of a toppled tree, concealed beneath a mesh of leaves, twigs, and bracken, resembling a sniper’s ghillie suit.
The cat takes a tentative sniff at the dead man’s hand, which is twisted into a claw by rigor mortis. Still uncertain, the cat glances around, scanning its surroundings for any threats.
The observer shifts ever so slightly, causing the leaves that cover him to rustle faintly. We barely catch the familiar sound of a bowstring being drawn tight.
The cat’s ears perk up at the noise. It looks directly at the source but cannot spot the observer who blends seamlessly into the natural camouflage.
The atmosphere is fraught with tension as all eyes fixate on the prey, uncertain if it will make a desperate escape. At last, the cat refocuses on its meal, cautiously nibbling at the man’s fingertips. The watcher releases an arrow that slices through the air, piercing the cat with precision. It drops lifeless to the ground. Rising to his feet, the watcher sheds his ghillie suit, revealing himself for the first time.
Dressed in a weather-worn knee-length duster, he layers a hooded sweater beneath, paired with tattered pants and rugged work boots, each piece showing the scars of years of use. His identity remains partially hidden behind goggles and a disposable paper dust mask, topped with a roughly made fur hat—likely fashioned from another feline—that sports dangling ear flaps. Around his neck swings a silver Saint Christopher pendant, its twine cord frayed and worn.
carries his bow across the clearing. He crouches beside the fallen cat, removes the arrow, wipes the blood off, and reaches down to gather the body. Suddenly, the cat screeches and flails wildly! Startled, Eli falls back, stunned, as the cat—mortally wounded yet fiercely fighting—lashes out at him with bites and claws. In a struggle with the animal, Eli wrestles it to the ground and grabs a chunk of fallen branch. He pins the writhing creature and strikes it until it lies still. Panting heavily, he sits back, hindered by his dust mask.
He pulls the covering down, exposing his grimy, bearded face. Determining his age is difficult, though he’s clearly not young. He pauses momentarily, then gathers the remains of the dead cat and makes his way back to the battered tree stump. Carefully packing away his ghillie suit into a nearby rucksack, he hoists it onto his shoulders. A canteen dangles from the bag, with a shotgun secured to its side. Eli reaches for his last item, an old samurai sword in its scabbard, which he slings across his back. He looks up toward the sky as a snowflake descends, touching his cheek. When he brushes it away, it leaves a black streak on his face—not snow, but some form of ash.

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